
Stocking Fillers For Deep Thinkers

November 30, 2021 | Blog > News > Stocking Fillers For Deep Thinkers


There are some weighty subjects covered in this list, that some might find daunting at first glance. However, these cutting-edge thinkers are also truly engaging writers who express their passion in lively and accessible writing. From economics to art, and from the dawn of history to the future of technology, this is a list of books for truly wide-ranging intellects.


The End of Bias : How We Change Our Minds

Jessica Nordell

The subject of ‘unconscious bias’ seems to have been caught up recent ‘culture wars’, however beyond the sensationalised tabloid headlines is an intensely fascinating subject and powerful way of understanding some of the deepest challenges in our society. This inspiring book is the result of 10 years work, and incredibly important for anyone interested in being part of a more equal world.


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Jeanette Winterson

Always at the cutting edge of ideas and critical thought, Jeanette Winterson here turns her attention to artificial intelligence in these illuminating and thought-provoking essays that, like AI already does, touch on all aspects of our lives.


Orwell's Roses

Rebecca Solnit

A surprisingly inspiring and original approach to writing about both Orwell and roses. Starts from the unexpected discovery that Orwell was a dedicated gardener (and not just of utilitarian vegetables) and expands into the relationship between personal and private lives and how we are shaped by our environment.



Steven Pinker

Logic, analysis of probability, causal inference, these are some of the untaught aspects of what makes up rationality. Here, in an entertaining and readable way, Steven Pinker explores these important tools and goes back to the basics of what sets us apart as a species, and how if we consciously stick to our strengths we can make better decisions and improve our public life.

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Ask A Historian

Greg Jenner

Fascinating and entertaining, this collection of interesting questions and even more interesting answers ranges from the Chinese postal system to the invention of meringues. Full of facts, but also great storytelling. Perfect for the more intelligent coffee table.



Mark Carney

Why, in our capitalist society, does the market so often neglect the things that really matter to us? In this radical book from the heart of the establishment, Carney examines what has gone wrong and how we can put it right.



Daniel Kahneman

This is a book all about how people make decisions, and how sometimes very important professional decisions can be affected by incredibly mundane things. Is it morning or afternoon? Have you had your lunch yet? Could you park your car easily? These things are the noise, and this book explores why we are so susceptible to it, and what we can do about it.